Tips on having a successful VBAC??


Hey guys!

I had my little girl on Valentines Day in 2019. It was a traumatic birth experience that ended in a C-Section and I have struggled with that.

My husband and I are expecting baby number two, a BOY!, in November and I really want to try for a VBAC.

I had some BP issues in the beginning, but with diet and baby aspirin I have kept it under control.

Other than that and my weight gain of 20 pounds so far, I think I’m pretty healthy. I know I’m considered overweight. I am 5’6. My starting weight was 175-177 and I am 193 now. My doctor wants me to eat really clean and exercise in hopes I won’t gain any more and maybe even lose?

I am sorry for the long post. I’m just wondering if anyone can give me any tips or share their experience with a VBAC? I’m really trying to educate myself as much as possible.

Thanks so much!!

Also, with my first I was induced at 40+1 and made it to 8cm. I elected for a C-Section after almost 48 hours of being in the hospital. Just in case that matters!