Just venting about baby shower drama


So my baby shower is tomorrow, my friend's at church are throwing it for me and I'm excited, I have no idea what to expect, they told me to just show up

We've had it planned for the past like 2 months

Well, my mom a few weeks ago bought tickets for something and told me she isn't coming now, and in my head I was just like "wow. Okay, I told you about this way in advance and you bought tickets to go do something on that same day after the fact?"

Well now she just called me and told me that my grandma won't be coming to the shower now either because she needs someone to babysit my younger siblings while she goes to this event and all her babysitters will be at my shower, so she just wanted to let me know that my grandma won't be there now either, and she doesn't want my grandma taking my younger siblings to the shower.

Like wtf?? I haven't seen my grandma in a long time, ive been so busy and haven't been able to go over to her house lately and I figured I'd finally see her at my baby shower.

My mom doesn't think it's a big deal because this is my 2nd baby, and "she's the grandma, she's gonna see him when he comes out anyways"

Am I being over dramatic about this??

I will add though, I tried to make a positive spin on this and since my mom will not be attending, I invited my step mom and her daughter. We recently just started getting closer and I really hope they come ♡ im honestly just more upset that my grandma wants to come but now she's not able to. I even told my mom it was fine if the kids came but she said she doesn't want them to go, so grandma will be babysitting them at my moms house