What should I do? Get full custody?

The father of my child came to visit him 3 days ago. He ended up breaking many things in my house and resisted arrest and I believe he assaulted an officerbut im not sure. All his family took his side and bailed him out today which is fine. I want full custody but if I file domestic charges to him he will not be able to get a job.. his family is telling me to ease off that for a while. His dad said we both should go to counseling but we aren’t going to workout after all of this. Yes I have love for him but he is too aggressive and drinks too much. I don’t want to be the bad guy in the story but i feel like I already am. The father of my child grew up in a abusive household so he grew up to be just like his dad. Please help. Or give advice.


His girl best friend knows he has been aggressive towards me and she says that i say petty things that makes him go off. Kind of saying its my fault but truthfully i have been staying quiet. Yes i might say things like i dont like him having a girl best friend but i dont think that gives him a reason to trash my apartment . Also she has seen him slap me and is still friends with him. She called me when he was in prison and said i was trying to keep the baby away but its not true. I just stopped taking the baby to him and told him to make an effort to come see his son. I even picked him up from bus station since his car got trashed after getting into a car accident.