I don't think my husband is going back to his therapist after this

My husband came back from this therapy session really early in tears yesterday. He's been with this therapist a few weeks and he opened up to her about his sexual abuse. When he was 19 he dated a girl. She had been wanted to peg him but he said no. They were having kinky sex and he was handcuffed to the bed. She came out with a strap on and he said no and he was done. She proceeded to rape him with it. When my husband calmed down he said his therapist asked him "Have you looked at it from your rapist point of view?" And that maybe she didn't know she was raping him. He said he told her no several times and begged her to stop. He said his therapist asked if he typically a sexual person and he said yes and she said "Well exactly. Men are typically more sexual, so you can't completely blame your partner if they can't understand the hint to stop when in reality men are just more sexual. She may have though after a while you would like it". So that just completely fucked him up. He hasn't said much all day and has just been in our bedroom... She may have ruined therapy for him...