Moving on

I’d like to start by giving a little background on the relationship I have just left. It was very toxic and I believe he had narcissistic tendencies. He also gaslighted me many times. He was physically abusive a few times but mostly verbally abusive, which was a regular thing I had to deal with. I won’t pretend I was an angel because I’d say some nasty things in response, most of the time I was walking on egg shells Being careful with how I would say things. I realise now looking back that a lot of my bitchiness towards him was a reaction to his actions towards me. My self esteem hit rock bottom while we were together and being made to feel like nothing led me to end up on antidepressants. I left in may after he kicked me and our kids out, since moving out I’ve been able to come off my medication because I can see in my own eyes and my children’s faces that leaving was the right thing to do, I feel like myself again and with advice from my doctor, decided I don’t want to rely on my antidepressants anymore, I’ve gradually come off them. Less than a month after I left he found a new girlfriend. I know it’s none of my business anymore and I’m pretty sure I’m over him, I definitely don’t want him back but I think it’s the trauma bond that is making me feel this way…..I just don’t get how he can move on so quick after our 7 year relationship?