Why has my husband started throwing temper tantrums like a toddler?


My husband has turned into an angry person. He was not like this when we met. When we met five years ago, he was sweet and could talk through emotions and feelings with me. We did Bible studies whenever one of us would travel the 2 hours to the other one to spend the weekend together. We’ve been married for 4 years now, and have a 3 year old daughter now. Nothing I do is ever right, and he throws a fit. Nothing our daughter does is right, and he throws a fit. Last night our daughter started whining because husband wasn’t playing the Dragons and Knights game the way she wanted to play it, so my husband got mad back at her and raised his voice at her. He said “look dude, you can’t get your way all the time and just start crying because you don’t get what you want!” My daughter ran to me, and my husband said “hell no! Uh uh, mommas not gonna save you!” And so I took my daughter out of the room and she expressed to me that it “scares her when daddy yells”. I made sure to tell daughter that yelling is not right, and that daddy is acting poorly right now. But my husband overheard and got mad at me for standing up for my daughter. So he started in on me, telling me that I’m trying to turn our daughter against him. I explained to him that he needs no help doing that. He is turning her against him by the way he treats her and talks to her. This is completely normal thing that he does, on a daily basis. And then he’s mad at me that our daughter doesn’t want to spend time with him. Then this morning, he was still mad, and was slamming things around the house (baby gates, dishes, cabinet drawers, etc) while my daughter and I were trying to sleep. Right before he left the house for work, he came and got in my face and woke me up and said aggressively, “hey. There’s no water in the house, get some f**cking water today! And take the f**cking movies back to Redbox!!!” I turned over and faced the wall. He pissily left the house and I haven’t heard from him yet. What in the world makes a husband turn so angry? Why is he throwing tantrums worse than our toddler? I’ve already tried everything I can to get him to go to counseling, and he will not do it, so please don’t suggest counseling.