My boyfriend has unhealthy ideas of sex

I know absolutely nothing about my boyfriends past. When I ask about his family he doesn't talk about it. How he wants to is... Odd... He is kind of submissive and I don't mind being dominant but some of th things are just... Odd... He wants to be degraded and I know some people like that but he wants me to say things way beyond degrading. He wants me to tell him I'm gonna rape him and he's a piece of shit who deserves it and that God sends little boys who gets touched to hell. I'm sexually open but that's way too much. He said he's fine with it and to try and if I say something like that he will start crying during sex but tells me not to.stop.and punish him and he deserves to be punished and he's a pathetic, weak, nothing little boy. Then I stop and say I'm not morally okay with this and he will go to the bathroom to stop crying and collect himself...