Do I have a right to be upset?

So me and my boyfriend have been together coming on 3 years and we thought it was about time I met his family (who live in another country). Anyways we are supposed to be staying for another 28 days. I don’t speak their language and so can’t understand them and won’t be able to sit and have a proper conversation. So anyways his family is a big family and every night we have been here so far his extended family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, nieces, nephews, etc) had came to see him so he told me to go upstairs out the way because “it’s too busy” and of course i was fine with that. I’d asked him not to leave me alone with them for like a ridiculous amount of time with me not being able to speak to them and I didn’t want to come of rude or ignorant if they’d try talking to me and of course he did exactly that today left me with his family for maybe 4-5 hours after telling me he’d be an hour at the most while he’s out doing whatever comes back doesn’t talk to me and then leaves again for another hour to then come back and tell me to go upstairs while he has people over. I’ve got the worst migraine and I understand that he’s just excited so I decided to not argue with him and currently getting ready to go to bed at 8pm. So I feel like absolute shit to the point where im really debating whether I can do this for another 28 days and just don’t really see why he was insisting on me to come in the first place. I guess all I’m needing is some validation that I’m not be selfish and I do actually have a reason to be a little annoyed with him.