Best face wash/ products for acne with sensitive skin?


Hi, I'm 15f and have been struggling with acne for literally ages. I had been using this one product for a long while, maybe like a year at this point and it had worked wonders for my skin but suddenly on Wednesday I woke up the morning after using it to have my whole face red, itchy and even swollen in some parts namely my top lip, right eyelid and 2 dots underneath my eye/on my cheek (I had taken maybe a 2 week break? from using it because I ran out and had to wait for my new bottle to arrive).

I was in tears screaming because my acne would come back, and it's not just a few bumps, they turn into big painful lumps that feel like they need to be surgically removed (obviously they don't, but they just feel like a huge painful mass even though they don't look it). And it especially sucks because it happened the week before school starts.

My acne has already come back fast and mercilessly. 2 painful spots have formed and I genuinely just want to tear my whole face off so I don't have to deal with it anymore. I want to at least get some form of soap or cleanser that will unblock my skin and somewhat clean it. cont in comments