Parents talking to their kids about sex. What worked or didn’t work for you?


This may be for the parenting room, but I also think it could be a CC topic in its own right.. if it gets moved, no worries.

I would like to ask for first hand experiences of what worked well or what didn’t work well in the conversations you had (or didn’t have) with your parent or guardian on the topic of sex. What did they say to you that you took to heart. Was there anything they said or did that ultimately kept you safer or shaped the way you think of sex today with a partner? Did you do the opposite of what they said just to rebel? Did they do anything that helped you avoid certain outcomes like STIs or unwanted pregnancies, or even just emotional navigating of that part of a relationship. Likewise, is there anything that they did or said, or didn’t do that pushed you down a not so great path? This would include talk and actions. What kind of rules did you have (curfews, private time allowed with a partner, birth control access, etc) , and ultimately were the rules good ones? Did your parents do a good job, or not?..and why.

Respectfully, I am FAR LESS interested in what you plan to do one day when you are raising your children that you believe will be ‘right’ and think would be the best approach. Everyone is well intended I am sure, but if you do not have experience with, and know the outcome of the interactions the way you would do it then that isn’t really the info I am after. Still, best of luck.