Pink discharge in middle of cycle..what could it be?!


**TMI Warning*


I has my period about a week ago (or so I thought it was my period). It was shorter and started earlier than normal, no cramps or symptoms as I usually get when my period comes around, and it was a light flow and color (it’s usually heavy the first 2 days or so).

This is the second day that when I wipe I have pink discharge. It has no odor and I still have no other symptoms. It is a few days before my app says I am suppose to ovulate so I didn’t think it was ovulation (I normally never get cramps or pink discharge when I ovulate). I plan on taking a pregnancy test in the morning just to rule that out and calling my Dr tomorrow. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so, what was it? I would also like to add I have not have rigorous sex or anything to make my cervix or anything irritated.

First day:

Second day: