Puppy WON’T stop screaming in crate

Luda • It’s not enough to not be racist, be anti-racist • PhD student in Behavioral Health Leadership • Boy mom x2

My husband and I adopted a 10 week old dachshund puppy on Saturday. We immediately jumped into crate and potty training. We have an adult pit who wasn’t crate trained and it makes our lives hell. We have to pay a dog sitter because he escapes the crate and is in complete distress. We adopted him as an adult though. Anyways, we have been doing everything to help crate train the puppy. We got a wire crate so he can see what’s going on, we’ll put a sheet over the top at bed time. He has a towel in there and a bone/toy. We heat up a big rice sock before bed time and put it in there. He has a calming ointment that goes on his nose as well. We keep the kennel out in the living room when he’s out there so he can explore it. Despite all of this he SCREAMS for hours in the crate. Not just barking or whining but absolutely screaming. We ignore him when he does it because we don’t want to give him attention. As soon as he’s quiet, we let him out and praise him for being quiet. I know as a puppy it’s lonely and new and I know it will take some time to curb this behavior. But has anyone else gone through it? Any advice?

** to add, he’s out during the day. He’s only in there for maybe an hour during the day total just to help adjust. This is only at night and he’s let out every 2 hours to go pee.