Just need to vent

My husband and I have been trying for our second baby together since 2019. We got married July 2019 and week after we got married found out I was pregnant. Miscarriage September 23rd, 2019 a day before my birthday. The only thing that got me through my miscarriage was starting to go to church. And we have been struggling and I’ve missed periods thinking I’m pregnant took a test turned out negative and then a week later I get my period. This has been going on for 2 years. I blame myself for not getting pregnant since the miscarriage. My husband blames himself for being in the army and being exposed to everything he was when he was on tour before we got together. But here we go again. Im nauseous and moody and my bra doesn’t seem to be fitting right. 4 days late for my period. My husband told me to take a test Monday morning before taking our daughter to her first day of school and I still haven’t done it. I’m scared to death to take a test. Scared to death to see the negative result again. Im actually tearing up typing this out.