Husband sharing our business with his mom


Long story short, my husband is a very open, talkative person. With him being very open, he doesnt think before he speaks, so sometimes he shares things with his mom or family about me that I don’t want shared like personal things. I know he doesn’t mean to but he’s very forgetful and doesnt think I shouldn’t say this or that. I just went to see a OBGYN and I told him I want to be able to tell him things without it being shared. And not everything we both discuss needs to be told to others. Well… I’m gonna have trouble with this. Not that I don’t trust me husband, it’s that he’ll forget what I don’t want shared and will accidentally spit it out to his mom. Also, I hate when he tells her when we are arguing or having issues. As a married couple nobody needs to know our business but I would really like if anyone can give me some good advice to convince my husband about not sharing things. I like to be very private but he’s very open to people. Does anyone having any tips I can tell him to really make him understand that he doesn’t need to do and that?

***We’ve been married a year and he has a lot to change that he doesn’t know or realize yet but I want to help him out the best I can***