Am I the only one who thinks the debate over the covid vaccine is getting taken too far?

BOTH sides, in my opinion, seem a little extreme.

A lot of people who are against it spreading incorrect/exaggerated stories to scare others not to get it. Believing and spreading every ridiculous conspiracy theory about the vaccine. Ridiculing or putting down those who choose to get vaccinated.

Those who choose not to get it being put at risk of losing their jobs, not being allowed at certain places, and other “penalties/restrictions”. Which I do understand, but I also feel for those who go through these things. I think their feelings are valid too (unless based off of obviously-false info or lack of independent research of course)

I have seen toxic family members berate, push, threaten, and bully to get other family members to get vaccinated. I chose not to because of breastfeeding for a few months and my family alienated my baby and I. Meanwhile, my brother has lost friends because he chose to get vaccinated. I just feel like people are getting SOO crazy.

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