Abdomen measuring larger?

Brooklynn • 🌞✨🌙⛈⛈⛈🌈

I went to my 30 week specialist appt and they said baby is measuring 32 weeks at 4lbs 4oz in the 81st percentile, BUT that her abdomen is measuring in the 97th percentile.

I have accreta (I go for MRI this week or next to see what stage but it’s looking like it’s percreta on ultrasound), placental previa and placental lacunae. I have not gotten a chance to do my gestational diabetes panel yet. I go next week because we’re sick and have a lot going on. Though I did check my sugar levels tonight around an hour after eating and it read 103.

They are seeming extremely worried about baby all of the sudden again for some reason and I’m just curious if any other mom is/has experienced this…? Our youngest did actually have an enlarged abdomen as well during utero, no gestational diabetes, came out 8lbs 8oz, and ended up having a gastro-inflammatory bowel disorder but is healthy and her abdomen is fine now.

For moms in general experiencing this, what is/was the cause? What are they doing/did? Outcomes if past births, please?

For moms with gestational diabetes, how are your little ones measuring?? Body and abdomen proportionate, or?

And my final question, is my sugar normal or is it seemingly possibly gestational diabetes??

Please and thank you all SOOO MUCH in advance!! 🤍 Super stressed because I thought baby was finally mostly in the clear and only I was at risk and I can take facing possible death for myself but not my daughter again.. 🥺😭😭😭💔 I just need answers and nobody seems to want to give them.. 😒

I will add, they keep monitoring her heart and the fetal cardiologist is unsure if she has a small hole or not and said we’d have to wait til birth to find out.