Just a hormonal rant 🥴

Ana • Nicholas 9/7/18 👼🏻 Liam 9/20/19 🌈 Matthew 10/21 💛

So I posted a while ago about my due date being right around my sons death day. I decided to get induced to avoid giving birth on that day, even though I didn’t want to. At my doctors appointment yesterday I asked when I would be able to schedule the induction, just to give my husband and I a set date. He told me that I couldn’t until I was closer to 39 weeks. He needs to see what my cervix is doing, and to make sure the hospital has room. This wouldn’t be an issue for me normally, but my towns hospital shut down L&D last year so we have about 2-4 counties going to one hospital. They get very busy, and because my induction would be elective I wouldn’t be a priority (which I totally understand!).

So that puts me at a spot where I’d be induced right around my sons death day, when I’m due not to long after anyway. I’ve cried over it to my husband, been mad and irrational about it to my sister, and over just went through the crazy emotions I needed to. But I’ve decided to just not even get induced, and just risk it. The whole point of an induction was to avoid the day, and if it’s not going to avoid it, why do it? My husband has been great and on board with not being induced. He’s helped calm me down and realize even if this baby is born on that day, we will figure out how to deal with it.

Thanks for coming to my rant, I’m sure this is not a big deal in reality. But I’m still pretty upset about it all