First time mom to be need experienced mom help…

So I just had my first trans vaginal ultrasound yesterday. I was supposedly 11 weeks, but was told I’m measuring 12 and 5 days. The ultrasound tech said my placenta is anterior so in front like a cushion between me and baby so may not feel kicks and movement as much or as soon as those with posterior. She said baby and placenta look healthy thank God. I looked up stuff and I’m kind of bummed and nervous because I would prefer and love a vaginal birth and they said sometimes c section needed… have you had anterior placenta? Did it shift and move? How was your birth plan with it? Did you feel the baby??

Also I haven’t had any bleeding or spotting my whole pregnancy thus far and as I was making dinner yesterday evening a few hours after ultrasound and felt a dribble in my underwear. I thought I peed a little maybe which was weird but I figured maybe because I’m pregnant and always peeing. After I ate I went to the bathroom and blood on my underwear not spotting, blood. I freaked out started crying with my husband there with me called my mom. I was praying as mom called my obgyn I spoke to nurse practitioner and said as long as no cramps or clotting should be maybe from probing around for a while with ultrasound and go to hospital if bleeding doesn’t become spotting. Thank God it is now just spotting but that was the scariest moment of my life. Especially because they just told me baby was healthy. I was terrified and confused. Slight spotting this morning but nothing like that moment yesterday.

Thank you moms!