Tube removal


I’m 27 and am pregnant with my 2nd baby 💙.. I don’t want anymore children and I signed the papers for me to have my tubes removed. I haven’t had a positive reaction from ANYONE! Usually I’m a idgaf what anyone thinks but my hormones won’t allow that so easily.. my SO and I talked about it and agreed that it’s best for both of us, however our families (with the exception MIL) think we’re nuts because we’re still young and may want more in the future.. our kids have a big family with plenty of cousins who are more like siblings so we don’t feel the “need” to have any more. We have our girl and now we’ll have our boy, it just sucks that people will make you feel foolish for making executive decisions regarding your own life. Anyway, baby is measuring ahead and dr told me I may not make it to my due date (9/30) which would suck cause then I’ll have to wait until after I give birth to get the procedure done 🤦🏽‍♀️ . Going back and forth in my head made me get the paperwork signed at the last min as they need to be signed 30days in advance and I may not even make it lol😩🤦🏽‍♀️ ..