Allowing others who do not social-distance to see baby?


My husband and I are dealing with his incredibly judgmental and toxic family, including a mother-in-law who is the most dramatic person and extremely fake. She and her daughter spend hours on the phone every day with the sole purpose of talking negatively about others. We have heard this phone calls and they are truly repulsive and I honestly wish we lived far away from them. Now, my husband‘s sister is a nurse and she believes she is God on earth. I have experienced a very difficult time conceiving, I had uterine surgery and my pregnancy is very high risk. Early on, we were told by doctors that there is just no sufficient data to justify the safety of any Covid vaccine long-term for baby or mother - simply no info. So my husband and I decided that I would not be vaccinated until after giving birth. Just the fact that people have severe consequences like fever, especially with our medical background and difficulties conceiving a healthy pregnancy, it just does not see a smart thing to introduce more potential issues. Now, because of this we have literally social-distanced the entire pregnancy and only seen people a handful of people who also social-distance during the summer - because we could not avoid my mother-in-law we have seen her, she is vaccinated, but she is a elementary school teacher and now going back to school. I am due to deliver in less than five weeks and it is very concerning that she will be literally speaking and in such close contact with children who are not vaccinated at all. Also there is another child in the family who is under 12 and not vaccinated. And none of them got booster shots. All these people do not care about me, to give you an idea in 15 years of me working full-time they have not asked one single question about my job. I’m sure they will have a lot to say in the future and they will just be invasive and want to see my baby. Now the basic point is social distancing - we do this, they do not. Baby will not have immune system until months after birth. These people are so incredibly over the top. I don’t know how to handle a situation and gives me tremendous anxiety. I understand most other people have good relationships with the family but in our case it’s just not there. However if we prevent her from seeing the baby there will just become worse and worse. I don’t know what to do because ironically if the baby is sick they will blame me and saying that I chose not to get vaccinated. But since even people who get vaccinated end up getting Covid, this seems like an overall really Band-Aid fix that is not resolving the situation, not to mention the variants in other future mutations. Are you just allowing anyone and everyone to see your child after birth right away?