Chickened out of oral but now want to try it


So a while ago I thought I was ready to try giving my man oral. I haven’t done oral before and I’m sort of grossed out by the fact that pee comes out the same place cause of that I don’t even really like oral on me. He’s never asked for it cause he knows how I feel about it. I chicken out of doing it a while ago but recently he found out I can make myself not gag at all pretty much.

He was so shocked when he found out cause he was joking about me being sick and having a bad reflex so I kind just shoved something in my mouth (to my throat) to show him I had a good reflex. He said something about it was because I was doing it so I let him put his fingers in my mouth. When nothing happened he was stunned.

I’ve never liked being sick and throwing up so over the years I’ve been able to hold it all in pretty well. So I sort of numbed my gag reflex a bit.

After seeing his reaction to finding that out I sort of got intrigued and wanted to try oral on him. Honestly he’s been understanding of everything and I’m a bitch so he’s handled me well so I think I should compromise for him for this. Any tips on how to start it off? What good for him? Should I go on my knees while he’s standing? Sitting? Should he be laying in bed?

I’m gonna make him wash his dick first tho😂😂