So confronting 😭


So I'm, like most of you here, 13 months post partum...

I gained about 20kg in my pregnancy, lost about 15 of them the first few months but after I went back to my depo shots I gained 30!kg within a few months. (I stopped the depo but it's still in my system at the moment)

I am not happy about the way I look because I still very much look pregnant, probably by gaining so much so close after giving birth.

Since we're fully vaccinated and most of our country is, we're starting to get out more often..

The last month people have been asking me in which stage of pregnancy I am.. Of which I jokingly reply that the baby's out for a year now and they shouldn't worry about it.

I can't blame anyone because I truly really do look pregnant...

But it's very confronting as well.

I've not been eating excessive, in fact I feel like I've been holding myself back..

I've been exercising a lot but I kinda gave up because there were no results at all except me being absolutely exhausted because I had to do it during baby's sleep so I lost my sleep over it.

I'm now getting into a program in a gym, hope it does something for me... 🤞🤞🤞