Trigger to BFP… twins again?


So, I have 4 children and have PCOS. The last two pregnancies (one single and one set of twins) I had to have medication and trigger injection to conceive. We wanted to try for another baby one more time before we get older and the risks are higher. We had the twins in 2020. We have been trying for a few months (this was our 3rd cycle (Femera 7.5 mg and Ovidrel 250 mcg). I had one follicle at 24mm, one at 14mm, and two that were 10-12mm before I triggered). I go in for beta this coming Friday. It’s obviously positive, but with my twins it never went negative, but was lighter. I’m thinking there is a possibility of having twins again. I’m a little scared, if so, but we do what we gotta do and we get by. Has anyone else had this and just had one?

I know they say it’s not always darker for people with twins and could mean nothing and just be one, but I guess since my experience with my last babies was VERY similar (if anything it was lighter) to this as far as my results go, I am worried there are two more on the way instead of one. Hoping for one healthy baby and an easier pregnancy this time. 🤞🏼

Here are my recent tests.

This was my trigger to BFP with my twins in 2019 (the closest pic I had, also it was wit 10,000 <a href="">iui</a> of Pregnyl when I had the twins and not the smaller dose of Ovidrel that I received this cycle: