Measuring bigger

Mama of 3 • Wife & Mama of 3 ASD supporter 🧩 2 princes🤴 1 princess 👸🏻 Coffee ALWAYS ☕️

So I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my 3 under 3 babe.

I have been measuring at least 3 weeks ahead on my fundal height the last month and 2 days ago I had my final growth scan and baby was measuring at 36 weeks and over 5 lbs. Has anyone else experienced this and went into labor early or doctor decided to induce before 39 weeks?

I have my induction date set for 39 weeks ( my choice) but this was before my growth scan. The tech said they usually don’t worry about it until baby is measuring over 90th percentile and my babe is at 78th currently, but my OB could decide it’s more concerning.

Other than a bigger babe, he’s measuring health and so am I.