Prisoner in my own "home"

My room mate. He's an asshoke , he's toxic and beyond disgusting. He has his friends always in the house and they don't clean shit up. "OUR" house feels like a frat home.

I've explained that I'd like at least one day without his friends here , nope fuck me. They're going to be in the living room partying all fucking night ! Till 2 AM at the top of their lungs.

He doesn't clean up. "If you ask me to clean I'll clean up " NO NO NO NO. He is 24 years old I shouldn't have to ask you to clean shit.

He bought and iguana may 2020 , I kept that pet alive for 2 months and eventually was fed up because he didn't take care of him. The pet died 3 days later because he didn't listen to what the store or I told him about the care for the animal. He FRIED that poor iguana and then left the corpse on our kitchen bar for 2 days.

He locked my dog in a utility closet and it's a pretty tight space in there. He tried to force me to apologize to someone because they're his bio family. Even though they tried to STEAL my dog and totally in the wrong.

People come in and ASH on the coffee table, kitchen counter- leave it there. His friends will steal food from us, store their food/clothes ,other belongings. Constantly showering here , not even paying for any utilities that they are using up . Drinking all of MY drinks that I paid for and right now is a struggle due to covid and living PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK.

He calls me mean and teaches his friends that so they all don't like me. He brings people that flirt with my SO into the house and doesn't even apologize or correct guest behavior until I say something to him and the person. He's let a guy thats constantly sexualizing me in the house all the time. I'm too scared to leave my god damn room. I feel like a prisoner.

His friends will LITERALLY make insults on my looks "Damn (my name) you look rough as fuck" watch how you speak to me. I still have six months in this lease with him, but as soon as it's over I'm deleting this toxic asshole from my life PERMANENTLY!!! Thanks for coming to my rant!