Pregnant & hospitalized with Fibroids


Hey ladies,

So here’s a little backstory my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year, we decided to give <a href="">IUI</a> a try .... By the grace of God it was successful !!!

In my first ultrasound I found out I have fibroids which I never knew ( also the reason we couldn’t get pregnant on our own )

Last week the pain was so bad I cried for 2 days thinking it was just really bad constipation since I haven’t been to the bathroom in around 4 days ( again due to fibroids ) , finally couldn’t take the pain & my husband rushed me to the ER at 5am ..... After 6 hours and a million test the DR discovered my fibroid had grown ... I couldn’t walk, stand, sit nothing and was admitted for 2 days

Anyone else having problems with their fibroids ???