First IUI cycle


I’ve been trying to get pregnant for 5 years. Not really a plan but we been having unprotected sex for 5 years and never been pregnant. So in June my husband and I talked about doing <a href="">IUI</a>. Nervous but excited at the same time. I made a doctors appointment and my doctor said we would start clomid with my next period. So my period start July 12. I started clomid day 5 of period for 5 days. On day 10 of my cycle I went to the doctor for an ultrasound to see if any follicles grew. Day 10 I had 4 follicles but only one was a decent size of 13mm but still not big enough to expect ovulation. Day 11 I still had 4 follicles but only the one was 17mm. So on day 12 I still had the 4 follicles but only one was 19mm. My doctor was happy with the 19mm. So My husband gave me a shot in my leg the next day so Monday June 26th we can do the procedure and the egg expose itself. Fast forward my period was suppose to start August 9th and it’s still haven’t showed up. I’m nervous to take a test and get my feelings hurt. I’m also curious to know. What exactly is considered a late period? I don’t want to test to early and get an negative but do I really want to wait to see if my period ever start.

Side note: my period come every month on time. Maybe a day or 2 early or late but never more than 2 days.