Clumsy baby 🤦

Samantha • Mommy of an angel boy 👼 💙🌈 and an earthside boy 🤰 expecting March 2023 👰 married 🐱🐱 fur-momma to two

So my son has always been clumsy and getting bruises and stuff (which has made me feel crappy).....but I have just thought about the recurrent ones he keeps getting on his legs under his knees and realized they might be from his highchair tray. When we have mealtime he likes to prop his legs up (which i do too when im sitting so i understand) but i think the pressure of his legs pressed up against the tray constantly is making his legs bruised and I feel so there anything i can do to keep him from getting bruised or from propping his legs up?

This is how he sits but often his legs are more up and pressing against the tray on the inside