Am I crazy?


My first was born at 31 weeks, after my cervix decided to up and disappear randomly at 27 weeks for no reason anybody has been able to determine. His head my entire pregnancy was always way down directly on my cervix. Like from my 20 week anatomy scan until I gave birth, his head was there at the very bottom on my cervix.

Im 17+5 right now with a little girl, and she is lying the same exact way in my uterus. I’ve had cervical length checks at 15+4 and today at 17+5, and both times her head has been just like her brothers always was - pressing right down on my cervix.

This makes me anxious. Is there any chance that their heads pressing on my cervix could be the reason for preterm labor? Why would both my babies have such a preference for lying that way, to the point that ultrasound techs can’t get them to move out of that position no matter what they do? Could there be some weird morphology with my uterus that makes them do that? I want to see her feet down because I irrationally feel like that would make her less likely to push on my cervix and make it open too soon 😩

Please tell me what you think??? Is my worry about this absolutely nuts?