TTC after Tubal Reversal


This is my first month trying to conceive! I got my tubes untied July 23rd of this year after having them tied for 6 years. I’m pretty young, 28 years old and my husband is 6 months younger then me. We both have children so we’re not worried about sperm count or eggs. I track ovulation with the Mira analyzer this month. No basal temps or regular opks. Cycle is due within the next two days. Some times my cycles can be a day or two late but for the most part I have a pretty regular 28 day cycle. Well, I’ve been testing for pregnancy since 8dpo, and literally all stark negative! I have thought I seen some vvvvvfl but that’s not promising at all and I hate to get my hopes up high. My pms symptoms are pretty similar to af symptoms. Only different symptoms I have gotten this cycle is weird taste in my mouth, excess saliva and burping. Today I been having diarrhea pretty bad which usually happens when af starts. But every time I wipe, there’s no spotting or anything. I pretty much have counted myself out this month! I don’t want to discourage myself or get my hopes up high. Has anyone else swore af was arriving and testing negative up until missed af or after? Its been so long, and I literally don’t remember how I always knew with my 4 other kids!