My husband blames me for everything

Our 2 year old sleeps in the same room as us. He woke up crying and didn’t stop. So I went and got him and brought him to bed with us. My baby still didn’t stop crying . So my husband got upset and told me to put him back in his crib. I did , in hopes he would calm down. He didn’t. So my husband kept yelling and screaming at him to shut up in his native language . He woke our 3 year old up and he told me to go

To him. I did . He got our 2 year old out of the crib and took him to our bed. He still was not being nice or comforting . So I went back in there and told him I don’t trust him with our baby when he is that upset. Well he flew off the handle and called me all sorts of names and told me I don’t let him be a dad . I tried to remain calm but I told him “screw you” and he flipped out more. His mom and sister are here from another country and she woke up and had to get between and told him to stop. I am just so upset and can’t do it anymore .