Would this piss you off?

2 months ago, my bf had this phase when all he would talk about is a baby. We don’t live together. Money is tight right now. I’ve told him this and he said “we can work through it once the baby comes”

We have been together 7 years and you’d imagine we’d live together by now but we dont. We don’t have the money to do so. Everytime i told him I want to be stable, he’d get mad and just say “we won’t ever have shit.”

Yes, I’ve suggested getting a place and he told me “for what? You don’t get pregnant?”

So one time, I had a pregnancy scare. I am never late. I was late 1 week. I really thought I was pregnant. I told my bf and he went telling his family that I’m pregnant. I never confirmed pregnancy.

I was so mad but he told me he was excited. I felt bad but embarrassed. I tested and it was negative. He continued telling his cousins that he had to start saving for the baby. Wtf. Well 2 weeks later, my period came. I told my bf and he was mad. I told him why he has to tell his whole family about something that isn’t even confirmed. Even pregnant couples wait 3 months to announce it. So he tells his family “false alarm. She lied again”

I never lied. So the other day we were talking about kids. His cousin just had a baby girl. And my bf keeps making remarks like “I’ll keep hallucinating. I’ll never have a kid”

Idk I feel guilty. Just last night, I asked him why is he so concerned about a baby and he said “I’m not i was testing your reaction. Plus, I don’t want a kid right now”

Testing me?? He really was testing me. We really got into big fights because of that. We even didn’t talk for 2 days because of that.

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