Boyfriend's ex

My boyfriend dated this girl for 9 months but he said he emotionally checked out if the relationship because he realized that he didn't love her as much as she loved him. I won't lie... When he got with me it wasn't that long after they broken up. I think a little over a month. Me and him are going together strong 2 years later and about to have a baby. My boyfriend has some childhood trauma and sees a therapist once a week. She's actually really cool and has helped him a lot. Well she will stalk us. Message him on Facebook, message him from different numbers because he keeps blocking her. She would throw trauma in his face and leave nasty texts saying "You know what, now that I think of it I don't want a guy who fucks his own brother". He was sexually abused by a half brother on his dad's side who was 12 years older from when he was 9-17.... We kept getting denied a restraining order. When I got pregnant they finally approved mine but denied his. Now she's started this rumor she knows isn't true saying that he had a relationship with his half brother and was gay. Last night he had actually just gotten back from therapy. He left his phone and when he turned it on he had several message request, mainly from her friends making fun of him for his trauma and he couldn't take it anymore and started crying. I was with him a good 45 minutes trying to calm him down and I just want her to LEAVE US ALONE!!! I'm at a point where I'm willing to pay her to leave us alone.

@Sheri I'm sorry! I realized how confusing my post got. His ex.