Was I wrong? Said he's fucking sick of me

My boyfriend and I got into a huge fight last night. He's been acting distant and a dick so I started doing the same. (I know immature) well fast foward we're talking like regular. I got out of work at 3pm. He was at his job doing closing shift. At 6pm I sent him a msg if we were going to see each other tomorrow (as in today) because I'm getting busier with school, job, my daughter starting school and I don't like him inviting me last minute or making plans then ditching me. Days ago we had agreed to go pumpkin patch picking today, but I'm sure he completely forgot about it.

I been extremely tired lately I needed to know to set my alarm in the morning if were going to see each other. 10pm came around still no message. He kept getting on but still no msg. I understand he's at work but have some decency to let me know. He has this bad habit of messaging me last minute to hang out in the morning extremely late at night and I don't like that. For ex: meet up at 6/7 am and he sends me the message the night before at 10pm.

So I double texted him telling him: Is it that difficult to be upfront?

He finally replied " Upfront about what? I'm so fucking sick of you. Fuck. Always some shit with you every fucking day. I'm not doing anything just sending in my gamble answers to my friend" Then sent me a screenshot of him replying this soccer gamble game answers to his friend. Am I wrong? I get up at 5am everyday I'm tired too. I'm tired of not being able to sleep early because he invites me super late. I'm tired of always having to remind him we agreed to hang out. We were suppose to go on a date Tuesday AM and he ditched me for his friends. He totally forgot he and I were suppose to see each other. I was already dressed up and everything.

Lately I can't shake the thought that he's cheating honestly. He started acting so different a month ago so I can't help but think that.

Was I wrong for sending him that msg? Did I overreact? Like ok I get you're busy at work but if you have time to send 10 msgs to your friend while at work you have time to respond at what time we're going to meet up or if we are ever going to see each other. My whole life doesn't revolve around his schedule.