Husband hates my postpartum body

I'm 5 months postpartum from a TWIN pregnancy. My husband almost never wants to have sex with me. He doesn't touch me. He barely touched me when I was pregnant. I think we had sex maybe 4x my whole pregnancy and now he refuses to have sex with me now. He still cuddles me and stuff but besides cuddles I don't get that much affection. Me and him work opposite hours so we don't have to pay for daycare and only have our weekends together but he goes out to practice his sax with his friends during the weekend. He tell me "Why don't you go out too? You know my mom will babysit anytime". Because I want to spend time with him! I talked to my SIL about it and she said he could just be going through a "Dry spell" for sex. A 10 month long dry spell?!

Edit: I tried asking and he just said he hasn't had any libido...