High blood pressure in pregnancy questions?!


Currently 30+5 weeks. In the last couple weeks I've had a few dizzy spells and light headaches so I started taking my blood pressure at home been in the ranges of 115/75 up to 140/87 this morning 124/93. Yesterday at the Dr 138/95. She said that was as about as high as she'd like for it to be. Possibility to induce at 37 weeks. From here on out I will be having weekly visits to ensure growth is going good. I've only gained about 5 pounds in the last 4 months so I've been concerned about baby's growth though blood pressure wasn't an issue until currently. Also no protein in urine.

My questions are from your experiences:

1. Did blood pressure continue to rise as pregnancy progressed?

2. How was your babies weight at delivery?

3. Were you put on bed rest and at what blood pressure rate were you?

4. Anyone start with High blood pressure no protein and develop protein later?

5. How have you and baby been since delivery?