Signs of Labor


I know I’ve been posting a lot lately but I’m a ftm and have no idea what to look for and I feel extremely paranoid about everything right now. Last night I had a few contractions that were different than Braxton Hicks (that I’ve had since 22 weeks) and they were stronger than period like cramps. They didn’t last long and didn’t come regularly but I did start to feel them in my back. Today I’ve started timing them and they are coming regularly nor are they super painful but they definitely stop me in my tracks and are extremely uncomfortable (still feeling them in my back as well) I have my first cervical check today but I really just want to know how do I tell when I’m going into labor? I haven’t lost my mucus plug as far as I know and my water hasn’t broken (I have been leaking clear fluid for the past few days) and baby hasn’t moved nearly as much today as she has been and I know they won’t move as much before labor. I’m 36+1

Update: Had my appointment and my doctor tested my fluid and it wasn’t amniotic fluid just a lot of discharge. I’m 1 cm dilated and she said baby’s head is very low and my cervix is very thin. They did a stress test to look at the contractions I’m having and everything looked normal. She did say she thinks baby will be here very soon😊