Husband Hiding something?

** I posted this before but for some reason it was deleted so reposting for that reason **

When my husband and I first got together he would look through my phone anytime I went to the bathroom or anytime I was in the shower. I thought it was weird since our relationship was new but I let it go. He would kind of let me on his phone too and was super open with me. He would even tell me to take his phone or his work phone if I had to run to the grocery store or any errand if my phone was dead, that way I would have a phone in case of an emergency.

Fast forward two and a half years later, we are married. He never leaves the room without his phone and won’t let me on his phone. I have always kind of been annoyed when someone gets on my phone. Not because I am hiding anything but just because I’m kind of private and honestly I google anything that pops into my head throughout the day, and I’m afraid my husband would think it is weird. So he doesn’t go through my phone anymore either because I asked him politely not to unless he really really wanted to then I told him it was okay, but I still feel it’s unfair since he won’t let me even get near his phone.

I asked him the other night why he won’t let me go through his phone ever, since I only did it one time with his permission, and he would sneak my phone away to look at it every time he wanted to. He said I wasn’t allowed to because I need to just trust that he isn’t doing anything wrong (I’m always afraid he is cheating on me these days, and him hiding his phone makes it worse), and he said that it had work related stuff on it since his personal phone is also his work phone. He let me use his work phone in the past and didn’t even bat an eye? I feel like it’s a red flag that he won’t let me look on his phone. It makes me feel like crap. Any thoughts ladies?

EDIT: I’d also like to add that he doesn’t even care to look in my phone now. Last time he looked was about a year ago. It still bothers me that he got to look a year ago and now when I ask to look at his I’m “just supposed to trust him”. He says that he would never cheat on me etc, but I made it aware that him acting like this doesn’t make me feel any better at all. Do you all think he is hiding something, or have any of you ladies gone through this too? I want our marriage to be okay but I can’t stand lying and hiding things.