Who Is In The Wrong?


Hey Everyone!

I’ve been texting a guy for about 3 weeks. He’s 19 and I’m almost 22. Usually, I don’t go for younger guys but I do enjoy our conversations. We never talk dirty.. If we do, it’s only a slight joke and we move on. Last night, our electricity went off for approximately 5 hours and I had no WIFI or money to get DATA. The electricity came back just as I was about to go to bed and I text him to apologise about the delays with replying. This is how the conversation went:

Me: “Hey, I’m sorry about that.. The electricity went off again. I promise, I’m all yours tomorrow.”

Him: “It’s okay, these things happen. What does ‘all yours’ entail?”

Me: “What?”

Him: “I’m sure your dirty little brain can come up with something.”

Me: “First of all, don’t speak to me like that. You’re the one who made it dirty. I do forget sometimes that you’re 19 and I feel that our conversations can become stale if we’re chatting all day everyday, I’m not desperate. Just don’t speak to me like that please. I’m going to bed, I’m up early.”

I just got hot headed and I don’t know whether I sounded too tough. I think the comment he made was just very unexpected and I got a bit confused and taken back.