Should I feel this way

So I told my bf I needed a break and at first he didn’t want to since I’m pregnant but now he’s like ok if that’s what u really want then I’ll give you your space and he hasn’t texted me for like 2 days already.. I kept telling him I didn’t wanna talk to him but I thought he would text me to at least just check up on me since I am pregnant with his kid and he hasn’t at all for these two days. I told him I needed a break and he kept on trying to work things out and I tried too but it just didn’t feel right so I told him again and this time he was like ok fine. He kept his location on but hasn’t texted me.

The whole reason this happened is bc my in laws are evil and I was living with them and I decided to leave because I couldn’t take their bad energy anymore and now we aren’t living together anymore and I just feel weird not being with him sleeping together so I felt the need for a break. He wants me to wait some months to get his own place but I am not patient at all…

I just thought he would check up on me or something I am high risk and he knows it so I just thought he would be worried or something 🙁

The reason I was mad at him is bc he wouldn’t defend me and now that I told him I wanted the break the first time he said he was sorry and that he would defend me now. But the problem is idk what’s wrong with me Idk if I have attachment issues or something but I don’t want to have to sleep alone everyday since he wants me to wait some months before he gets his own place. His parents told him they don’t want me there no more so we have no where to be together for now that’s why I wanted a break but I do miss him. Idk what to do 😣 I know I sound crazy but I don’t want to be 😞 it annoys me so much that I feel this way

Lol ok so I want to sleep with him every night and since we can’t now bc he wants me to wait and I’m not patient I was like ok then let’s just take a break because what’s the point if I can’t be with you everyday like before 😭

When we talked the last time I told him I was feeling this way because we couldn’t sleep together n he just said “well we had that here and now we don’t do there’s nothing I can do right now”.

It’s bc when I would tell him the first couple times that I needed a break he would be like no and still text me and check up on me at least but this time that I told him again he just said ok I’m like what if he’s talking to someone else or something now 😫 I’ve had one time back then where he texted someone we were on a break but that was the last time he ever did but now I’m pregnant so idk it just worries me. It’ll be 2 weeks already that we haven’t lived together anymore

His family never liked me since the start

He now wants a DNA test i tell him ok let’s go now and he says no until baby is born. I’m telling y’all his family is putting things in his head just a week ago he was excited and ready to buy stuff for baby. Also I’m already 11 weeks he’s been knowing since I was 5 weeks