I’m out this month!

Good luck everyone on getting your BFP! Unfortunately, aunt flow decided to come a few days early this month. Only good thing is that I get to try again earlier next month. Full blown period right now and super devastated. I have a 10 months old but wanted to start trying earlier for baby number 2 cuz who knows how long it would take. I just started weaning off pumping a day or two ago. It makes me wonder if that is affecting my ability to get pregnant because I was still producing milk and pumping. I guess I can’t really be too sad cuz I only really started semi-trying since august but not temping or doing OPKs! Just letting it happen but maybe next cycle, I have to really do the work and at least do OPK? Did anyone find it harder to conceive for baby number 2? Was it due to breastfeeding or pumping? Any thoughts, info or experience much appreciated.