13 weeks and bleeding


So about 3 weeks ago I experienced some light pink cm and after a trip to emergency we found baby was alive and kicking. I had follow up scans and this showed an relatively small subchorionic hematoma.

Fast forward a couple of weeks to Thursday. I received feedback from the GP that the subchorionic hematoma has resolved and its now low risk. Feeling excited and happy we decided to tell our friends and family.

The yesterday (Saturday) I was sick with morning sickness all day and a head cold. Was about to shower when I felt a gush. I had bright red blood which didn't last long and has now turned into brownish red spotting. I did go to emergency and baby was ok and had a heartbeat.

I feel confident but I'm just so confused. Could this still be the subchorionic hematoma? I'm just desperate to be get the facts from my Obyn but I have no idea when my appointment will be.