Rh Positive & Anti-C (Small) HELP!

Ashley 👧🏼👧🏻👨‍👩‍👧

Can anyone relate to me? Does anyone share the same story as me? Please tell me your story! Whether it be encouraging or discouraging, I need to hear it. I haven’t found anyone

I had my prenatal labs at 11w0d. Got results Monday. All looked well except I have an antibody Anti-C (Small) with a titer of 1. I’m Rh Positive. This is my second pregnancy. My first (Rh Positive, no antibodies). I had a csection. It went super smooth. It was scheduled cause I had hypertension. I had her at 37w2d. I did not have any blood transfusion. I will have a scheduled C-section again at 37 weeks and have hypertension again.

If you have experienced this, please PLEASE tell me your story. How was your pregnancy? How was the baby at birth?