Margaret’s Home Birth


I never shared photos of my home birth with my second daughter. She was born on a beautiful March day in 2018. I woke up around 4am and then 6am with mild contractions. Around 7:30am I couldn’t sleep any longer as the contractions were getting stronger. I was excited because it felt like I was finally in actual labor. I alternated leaning and bouncing on my birth ball as my husband called the midwives and alerted my birth photographer. My birth team arrived after 8:45am. Since I didn’t get a lot of sleep the night before, I took a nap. About two hours or so later, we decided to walk around the green belt in our backyard to keep labor progressing. I will never forget how lovely it was to walk outside with the bluebonnets in bloom while holding my husband’s hand. Laboring wasn’t hard while walking. I still had to focus and breathe through contractions, but they weren’t painful. I kept telling myself “I’m elastic, I’m open, this is just a muscle tightening” with each contraction. It felt so good to move. After a half an hour we returned home because the contractions were gaining strength and getting even closer together. Right when I walked in the front door I went into transition — it felt like a light switch turned on. Once in the house, it took only 30 minutes for Margaret to be born at 12:45pm. Our birth photographer almost missed the birth, she walked in right as I was pushing on my hands and knees (the only painful part of that birth experience because it felt like back labor). We waited to find out the gender of our baby and we were so surprised and excited to learn our second baby was another girl.