My Failed VBAC but Happy Ending birth story


So I had, had cramping and strong braxton hicks off and on for a couple weeks. Cervix checks showed zero dilation. Yesterday I was going about my day trying to find ways to induce labor or get me to dilate so I wouldnt need a csection. Doing a VBAC my Dr didnt really want to induce. So yesterday I made a strong, strong cup of raspberry leaf tea, and then another in the afternoon. I had normal cramping but later noticed my lower back aching a little. I didnt think much of it and was at the store. When I got home my cramps started feeling more painful 😖. It starred to get worse so I started timing them. I was having cramping every 2 mins for about 30-45 seconds. After I started to tear up I realized these may be contractions and called Labor and Delivery. The nurse said it was probably Braxton Hicks since they werent lasting long. I told her they were intense though and she said sometimes BH can be, she advised me to take a bath and drink water. Or come in if I really wanted too. So I took a hot shower and drink water but the cramps were getting worse. I told my husband I need to go and called the babysitter. I was in intense pain at this point like a 9 on the1-10 pain scale.

We got to the hospital and I was crying in pain. They hooked me up to monitors and said my Dr was out of town and they also couldnt give me any pain meds because they needed to know if I was in pain for the contractions or my uterus was rupturing. They needed to see me dilating, I was only 1cm but having intense pain. And the pain meds would hide the location of the pain. I was in so much pain now I was cussing and crying very loud. I begged them for pain relief. And eventually begged for c-section because I couldnt bare the pain anymore.The nurse asked me to hold on a little longer and she would see if I was dilating more so I could still do my VBAC. I cried but agreed. 30 mins go by and she came to check my cervix, I was now 2cm. She said it was odd because most women arent in that much pain in early labor only 2cm. But they agreed to give pain killers since I was progressing. They gave morphin that didn’t even touch the pain. I begged for an Epidural. They called anesthesiologist and he was 30 mins away at home but assured me he would be there soon. I didnt know if I could last 30 more minutes. I could hardly move or talk and was throwing up. He finally showed up and got the epidural he told me it would be 10-20mins before i start feeling it. I was so sad I had to wait even longer. Once it kicked in I was on cloud 9, but my body was so exhausted from the contractions I could barelt keep my eyes open or talk. Everything was flashes of what was happening. My blood pressure dropped, the baby’s heart beat was declining as well. They got me in different positions to try and get baby good again, I got on all fours and could barely open my eyes. I was now 3cm dilated. But baby and I werent doing good. The on call Dr told me she was so sorry but I needed a csection. I agreed and the nurses were running to get things going. Once in the OR baby girl arrived csection and Dr realized my uterus had ruptured and tore my cervix and I was losing blood. My stomach was full of blood as well. They said it was good they didnt try to proceed with the VBAC it would have been very bad. My body still super weak I ended up falling asleep in the OR and barely remember anything. My husband started getting light headed too and had to sit down and take a break. I was in surgery for

over 2 hours while the Dr tried to repair my body. I woke up when they were trying to move me to my bed. I threw up 5x once back to my room. my blood pressure suddenly dropped which i normal when you lose blood. They gave me something to try and increase bp its better now but still pretty low. They gave me 2 blood transfusions. im still very weak and extremely tired. BUT my baby girl

is here 12:09 on Sept 24th and weighing 9lbs!! My husband has been very helpful and advocating for

me. The nurses also wonderful! We are much more comfortable now and sooo happy we are all safe. She is nursing like a champ too!!