Has anyone experienced acne while on mini pill?


Hi all, I was on the combination pill for a roughly a year or so last year and I switched to the mini pill early 2021 ( I was having bad reactions to the combination pill ) but the past 3/4 months I noticed I started getting acne on my chin and i’m someone who NEVER breaks out. I thought maybe it was the laundry detergent so I switched to an unscented detergent and stopped using the scent boosters around 2 months ago and nothing, still getting acne. my skin care has been the same for half a year/ a year so I don’t think it’s that. the only thing I could think is the birth control.. it’s going from acne on my chin to my forehead and around my face now and i’m started to get really frustrated. i’m tempted to stop taking my birth control for a couple months to see if it clears up.