Late pill and unprotected sex


So like on my birthday My bf and I had sex twice. we didn’t use a condom either time but yk how they say their is a chance fertilized sperm can come from Pre cum if you do it in the same day bc there could be left overs idk something like that. That night I went to a friends house and ended up sleeping over and forgot to bring my birth control so I took it the next morning at 9. The day I took my pill was also the day I was supposed to start my placebos week, so I didn’t have any more BC to take I had my period like normal and I’m now on day 4 today will be 5 of my new BC month. Rn I feel dizzy but i think it’s bc I haven’t really ate today but I’m kinda starting to freak out. Do you think there’s a chance I could have gotten pregnant from it?