Feeling overwhelmed


Yesterday I went to the doctor for my normal check up. And she tells me that I need to consider taking my tubes out when I have my C-section.

I had my first son six years ago with no complications during my pregnancy other than he came at 37 weeks. Throughout the last couple years I have tried to get pregnant and have had two miscarriages.

This pregnancy I am almost at 29 weeks I have gestational diabetes my cervix got short and thin at 22 weeks and I have a Circloge. I have been on bed rest every since and closely monitored due to babies tummy measuring bigger then the rest of his body. Which means he’s taking in too much sugar my body is unable to break down.

I have thought about having more children. After all of the complications this pregnancy I kind of thought if it happens it happens type of situation. Like I don’t want to go and take medicine to get pregnant again. But I never thought of taking away the chance of having another child.

Now it’s only two months to go and I have to make a decision about taking my tubes out and taking that chance away. I don’t know what to think. Some of my family won’t say how they feel and others think I should get it done.

Have any of you gone through this thinking process or what would you do?