Anatomy Scan Advice


Hey, ladies! I’ve debated posting this & im sorry it’s so long but I need advice/opinions.

Last Thursday at 25 weeks & 1 day, I went for an anatomy scan with maternal fetal medicine due to me being high risk because of my blood pressure. During the scan baby boy wasn’t cooperating & although he was kicking, punching & wiggling he refused to move so the tech could see all she needed to. After an hour, according to her, all she wasn’t able to see was the bottom of the spine and everything else looked good. Baby is even measuring 9 days ahead. I asked her if they did 3D ultrasounds and she said only if there’s a problem or a baby has a defect. I was put into another office where the doctor called and spoke with me on the phone (after receiving video of the ultrasound). She makes jokes about how uncooperative baby is and then says how we weren’t able to see the spine or baby’s left arm. At this point I’m confused because during the ultrasound the tech claims she saw it & typed “L HUM” on the screen & she also made the comment that baby boy’s arms were crossed. The doctor says that either he’s laying on it or it isn’t developed. If that’s the case why not do a 3d ultrasound since it’s for babies that show signs of defects? Now the MFM doctor wants me to see a different MFM doctor with another group to verify which probably won’t be for another week or two or maybe even longer. At this point I’m even more confused & don’t know what to think. Should I schedule an ultrasound with a private practice or should I just wait?