What is it called when...

You share something with someone and they ALWAYS place their thoughts, feelings, etc to something that doesn't directly affect or impact them over yours? In that conversation.

Example: I was sharing with a friend about a situation that had me pretty upset. While sharing I said "OMG, I was so scared." She replies with "You were scared? Oh girl no. I was the one who was scared." ... but she wasn't there. Or overstepping boundaries, I was venting to her about my now ex once and she said that she was going to call him to and I quote "check him. Give him a peace of my mind and let him know how he treats you pisses me off." So SOME degree I can see where she's coming from... but it's still wrong.

It's just that........ she frequently does this and I've tried communicating how I don't appreciate my feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc being minimized all of time. But on the other hand making my situations about her.

It's made me stop sharing so much with her and she's gotten angry. I found out yesterday that she shared some news that I told her months ago with one of our mutual friends (who then called and asked if I knew or gave permission for her to tell my business.)

I can't quite put my finger on it... but is there a name for this type of behavior aside from being inconsiderate?